Quoting My Child


The other day while in the car, my oldest son said to my husband something that really touched our hearts and encouraged us to keep doing what we are doing as parents, alhamdulillah.

Child: “Baba, why doesn’t grandma celebrate ‘eid?”

Parent:  ”Because grandma is Christian and she has her own holiday.”

Child: “Christians should celebrate ‘eid. ‘Eid is so much fun baba.”

Parent: “You think so?”

Child: “Yes, ‘Eid is so much fun!”

[Not word for word but pretty close!!]

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

That’s all I can say.

Allowing Hope, Love, Sincerity to Guide us, not fear.


I was on Deenport and saw this poem by Roald Dahl posted by someone here.

All I can think is that these are very straight forward words. The truth is that in todays time it is normal for children to be addicted to television, computer, movies, etc. I’m grateful that we removed television but there remains the problems with computers and movies and more. (Please note, this post is about more than movies, television..etc.)

During the time that I was salafi, I developed a type of fear of the haram that made me always look for it, find the faults in people as if being around them for sinning one bit would make me evil. I spoke about the rules more than I ever spoke about hope, love, and sincerity of treading this path. I really dislike bringing up the whole salafi thing but this is something that I have to admit to myself and hope others see. I’m not saying everyone is the same because they aren’t. I considered myself strict in faith and never really realized that this “strictness” was not firmness in faith at all. Within my heart, I felt a huge burden to follow the rules.

I’ve been reading a book called Simplicity Parenting that reminded me of something very important when it comes to raising children. The author, Kim John Payne, quotes American journalist Ellen Goodman who said, “The central struggle of parenthood is to let our hopes for our children outweigh our fears.” As a parent of two children, as someone who wants the best for her children, I can’t allow this strictness and fear (not sincere fear of displeasing Allah) to guide my own life that my children will see. My faith in my Creator, my hope to be with Him, the love that I have for this beautiful religion He has blessed us with… this is what needs to guide me and guide my parenting. You may be wondering, what does this have to do with the poem I linked above? So much.

For so long I did not allow myself to be human, to accept that others are humans as well. I could only see, for example with this topic, the television set. I couldn’t stand being around it. But let me tell you, it wasn’t because I felt it was leading me away from my Creator… it was because it was a box of Shaytan. It was not sincere. And this is how my life was during those days and it has affected me till this day. I felt during those salafi days like I was walking on eggshells but I told myself that it was okay because I was avoiding the haram. So much strictness… subhana’Allah… where was the hope? I wish I could put these thoughts of mine into words that were as clear and straight forward as the poem up at the top. I hope someone understands.

This has affected many things with my parenting. I was strict for so long on things they couldn’t do but not out of love and sincerity but out of fear of breaking rules… not breaking them because Allah was watching… just because they were rules. Such a fine line, I realize now. It’s scary to even talk about.

Television, movies, etc., have seen this because for so long I forbade movies simply because I thought that was the right thing to do and not because I knew and felt with sincerity that it was the right thing to do. And what’s scary is that children see right through us so no wonder my oldest has rebelled. Why would he want to listen to my speech of fear, my words, when they weren’t sincere? We don’t realize how children can see what we feel. Children are so pure and they do. I’ve told my oldest many times that I’m happy and he knows very well that I’m sad or upset. He analyzes me so much.

When it comes to movies and television, we really are desensitized. We don’t realize the harms that exist when we place our children in front of the television or in front of movies. It really does kill their imagination. This itself should be enough reason for us as parents to end it but its not. And then there are the things they learn from it. One parent told me her son watched Transformers (the first one) and her son asked her later on, what does masturbate mean? She didn’t know where he got it from. When we hear a pure child utter words like this… how can we not get disgusted with our surroundings? They are so pure. Her son is only 6. Alhamdulillah she found out it came from Transformers.

Do we realize how many parents will never care their children hear this? By the way, I only mention this example because it is the first one that really came to mind that I thought would get a strong message across about this stuff. Look how they cater the Transformers toys to children. I’ve spoken to my husband about this and he said, well, they can play with the toys without watching the movies. With all honesty, how does this not lead them to want to watch it? Every toy Layth has gotten that comes from some movie always leads him to ask to watch it. They find out these movies exist through children, adults, ads, etc.

I don’t want my fear to guide my parenting. You know, its only been recently that I have felt like I can breathe again after being on that path of fear for so long, and it’s still a work in progress. I want my children to live a life that is simple, pure, and full of hope but my own life has to be full of sincere faith and I must pray for myself and them every day. I shouldn’t always have to explain why because if I’m sincere, insha’Allah they will sense that. Sometimes we have to discuss it in more detail and they need that too, especially in a time where their world around them is full of contradictions.

How I wish I lived in a yurt, with a cow, away from all of this… Insha’Allah in time.

There are many reasons why we shouldn’t let children watch television, movies, etc. We should really be vigilant about what is put on these screens. The subliminal messages are everywhere. I’ve seen Layth lose his urge to read, color, play, during times that we have allowed movies. He’s 6! We should really look to see what is haram in these movies but be sincere about it. We want to avoid what will call us away from our Creator because what is there besides Him? Everything besides Him is pointless… ya Rabb.

Anyways, apparently I’m being very honest online lately. You know, I’ve been online for years now and was afraid to be honest about certain things for a long time. I don’t know what it is about this salafi thing…and again, it’s not everyone at all, but the basic setup, the understanding of basic things seems to lead to this.

This life is truly a journey that takes us places we never imagined. I’m grateful for this and I hope that anyone who reads this knows that I don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable or hurt anyone. I really don’t. Insha’Allah whatever path we seek it must be for Allah’s sake… truly for His sake, not for people. Insha’Allah we will realize that there has to be a healthy balance between love, hope, and fear – but a fear that is about shielding ourselves from what will call us away from Allah.

My dear sister Itto reminded me in her recent post of something important.

I do not think that kids need to be reprimanded all the time to become good and well behaved people.
I do not think it is right to force a kid at his expenses simply to please others or to feel proud as a parent.
I do not like to command my kids all the time and to give them instructions on how to behave and on how to do things right.

I do not want to make them behave well only for the superficial sake of other people’s praise.

It should never be about people or material things. The raising of our children should be sincerely for His sake. Allah sees and hears everything. He knows our struggles. He is the One that blesses. He is the one who has given us our lives as a trust and our children as trusts. InshaAllah with this in mind and with practice our journey will be one worth taking and one that is blessed in many ways.

Just Thinking and Appreciating


I love caffeine. I love Earl Grey tea and Organic Chai (the Tazo kind). I first tried it and got hooked when someone, who I miss often, sent me a gift with different sorts of teas, books, house accessories… masha’Allah. I’m grateful this tea was introduced into my life.

And with raw honey it is out of this world.


I love taking trips. I’m excited about the possibility of one at the end of this month to Orlando, bi’idhnillah.


I don’t have a 200 dollar camera but I feel like I do when I see the tranquility in these pictures. I was browsing some pictures from this past year from our trip to California and back and I am amazed at the difference in every state. The United States is amazingly beautiful.

The more expensive the camera, the better the detail and picture. I know. I wish I could afford one but then the guilt of buying it and not putting my money to better use would eat at me. Who says you need a 200-500 dollar camera anyways? The memories are within the heart and if we live the moment we will appreciate it so much more. We should appreciate the moment more.

I tried to capture as many shots as I could through Colorado. I got such a green vibe going through this state. The freshness of the air, the colors, the style of the homes… very soothing for my heart. I hope to be able to re live those moments again insha’Allah.


It’s the simple things of life that are the most enjoyable. I hate being inside shopping malls and neighborhoods that don’t have simplicity of the past, the feel of the countryside. We fool ourselves when we think more material things will make us happy.


I love watching my children as they enjoy the simpler toys. I think my children have 3 or 4 battery operated toys and all of them allow them the ability to use their own imagination. I’ve seen that they enjoy things they can put together so much more vs. the things that are already put together. This always makes me think. Lately I enjoy handmades more and buying things that have been used (toys, baskets, books, etc.).


You know, my children have taught me to appreciate the things that I make. The picture above is a close up of what didn’t fit into my vinegar bottle of my own homemade laundry detergent after it cooled down and thickened (post to come insha’Allah).

Honestly, it’s due to seeing my children’s excitement when they try to invent their own sauces, cook their own eggs or just mix the eggs,  build a castle with cardboard that I get excited when I try new things. Seeing their excitement… well, it’s just priceless.  These are the moments of deep joy that I hope will lead me to find contentment with everything in my life. Ya Allah.

There’s beauty in everything. We just have to be willing to see it. I realize I have much to learn but what I have learned in my twenty three years of life is that  beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

To be given the opportunity to find beauty where it is usually not attributed is a blessing. My life seems to be leading to this lesson more and more. Alhamdulillah.

Time for bed. I think I’m in trouble in the morning. : )

Homeschooling in California

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

I am completely behind on homeschooling news these days, but there is definitely some news in California!

Threat to Homeschooling 

“A primary purpose of the educational system is to train schoolchildren in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare.”

Patriotism? I thought the point of the educational system was to educate? And protecting the public welfare from what exactly? The possibility that a child can grow into an adult with intelligence? Come on! This is exactly why the right to homeschool should continue.

Last Chance for California Homeschooling?

The parents of these homeschooled children must be very nervous at this moment. Homeschooling is a decision that parents make because they realize that their children are worth it. I’m not saying that parents who put their children in public school don’t think their children are worth it (though there are those who neglect their kids entirely), but the problems with the public school system are very clear today. In my city alone, we have one of the lowest graduation rates in the country – right behind Detroit! Read here. Our school system sucks here. I would be crazy to ever put my child in such a place. (Sidenote: If you are a parent that may find homeschooling expensive or hard, please do more research. There are many ways available if you simply are creative and look and ask around. Don’t give up.)

More news over at the Home School Legal Defense Association & if you are a parent who is homeschooling here in the states, who hasn’t yet signed up with the HSLDA, you should really consider doing so. They are Christian but they are for all homeschoolers.

For state laws on homeschooling, please visit this link: http://www.hslda.org/hs/state/default.asp

I also had to do a search on Obama and homeschooling because homeschooling is a very important issue for me, and I haven’t really been paying much attention lately to this topic. I came across this just now: Homeschoolers for Obama. I’ll be looking into this further, insha’allah.

Please pray for these parents who want to homeschool their children – even if you aren’t one that fully agrees with homeschooling for whatever personal reasons. Parents should have the right to decide how to teach their children, without the govt. butting into their lives.

A Talk on Homeschooling

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


11:00Home Schooling

A California appeals court ruled that parents must be certified teachers in order to home school their children. The decision has sent a chill through the nation’s growing home schooling community. We’ll look at trends in home schooling and new attempts to regulate it.


Mike Donnelly, staff attorney, Home School Legal Defense Association

Rob Reich, associate professor of political science and ethics in society, Stanford University

Gretchen Roe, home schooling parent for the past 14 years; part-time home schooling community liaison for Calvert School